Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset...The East & The West

Technically I started my Saturday just after midnight with this beautiful sunrise from afar, I ended it at Bud & Ally's watching the sunset over the beautiful white sand beaches of Seaside, FL. After dinner with my girlfriends at RedBar we made it back to Dothan...Indeed a FULL 24 hours.

These simple wonders- the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, I marvel at the beauty and promise from the Lord.

Psalm 103:12 says
"As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." Certainly there is NO coincidence that is how we begin and end our day. It's as simple as claiming Christ as our Saviour, confess our sin, ask forgiveness and recognize God's beauty and gift in the morning and the evening, daily; walking in His word and becoming a child of God.

What a FABULOUS, remarkable reminder of His forgiveness!

Another quote from Coco Chanel comes to mind..."The best things in life are free, the second best are expensive." I can think of that in frivolous terms but my heart is saying "Natalie, God's Love is Free...The Price He paid for Your Sin was expensive, He gave His Son's life..."

Just something to think about this Sunday morning as I (attempt) to "Walk In His Time and Not My Own..."

Many Blessings!


Major Allen Espy said...

Nice photo. Did you take that yourself? I've always loved Seaside!

Mitzi said...

How beautiful girl!! I am thinking you could be a Jackie O and go into books and publishing.